Applications Simplified selection process in 2021


The following text contains more information about the PSS 2021 application, as well as tips on how to carry out this simplified selection process, information about notifications and how to proceed with the simplified selection process.

However, if you want to know more about states that offer PSS 2021 registration and step by step instructions on how to go about the whole process. If you have any questions and want further clarification, keep reading the following!

Simplified selection process in 2021

The main objective of simplifying the selection process is the selection of temporary services for professionals from different areas.

The responsible area is the secretariat of each state, depending on the operational needs and the moment.

For example, professionals that can be hired include:

  • teacher;
  • dentist;
  • Doctor;
  • health assistant
  • nursing assistant
  • Interpreters;
  • administration team;
  • Among other functions.

First, it is necessary to understand why the selection process has more temporary characteristics.

Well, unlike the contest that requires an observation period before writing and conclusion, the simplified selection process takes up to 2 years. The admission form may be different from the competition. Approval has nothing to do with the recruitment agency.

Interested and want to know more about PSS 2021 entries? Continue to focus on the topics below.

PSS Stage 2021

Steps to streamline the selection process vary from office to office. As mentioned earlier, this ticket does not always pass the written test. so:

In these cases, what is the application process?


Generally, depending on the Secretariat, the steps include:

  • securities valuation
  • Course analysis;
  • Documents from previous jobs;
  • In some cases, university transcript analysis.
  • PSS Registration 2021

Most registrations are done online and depend on each region. If you have any questions about how to register for PSS 2021, please follow the step-by-step simulation below:

  • Visit your country's secretariat website;
  • Visit the public notice available on the website;
  • Look for the inscription PSS;
  • Click on the registration form;
  • Download and fill accordingly;
  • Some offices can apply online with one click;
  • After reading the public notice and completing the questionnaire as shown above, you have completed your PSS registration;
  • Now wait a day to verify the mentioned information and good luck!

Therefore, it is important to remember that simplifying the selection process is an opportunity for those who want to work in public institutions and excel in their courses when enrolling in the future.

Want to know where to find these opportunities and apply for PSS 2021? Keep paying attention to the following information.


Association PSS 2021

PSS 2021 registration takes place throughout Brazil. Of course, they won't all happen in the same way and at the same stages. As mentioned above, it all depends on the missing area and the department responsible for the selection process.

However, the vacancies available for enrollment in PSS 2021 are in the following statuses:

  • Santa Catarina state;
  • São Paulo;
  • Amazon;
  • Rio de Janeiro.

It is important to remember that the selection process is changeable and often ends very quickly, in fact, everyone wants a chance in the job market, right?

With that in mind, we are here to remind you of the importance of obtaining information from the Secretary of State and pay close attention to the available areas.

For more information and tips on subscribing to PSS 2021, stay tuned to our page.
