Free SENAC technical courses – See the options available to you


Did you know that there are several options for free SENAC technical courses that will help you with your technical professional training? Therefore, we are talking about a great opportunity for those who want to fill their CV with technical training, and thus open up new opportunities in the job market.

Today, SENAC is one of the best-known companies in Brazil in the education sector, which certainly brings a huge weight to its curricular base for those who take this type of course.

Therefore, so that you can take advantage of this opportunity, we will talk about the main options for SENAC free technical courses and how to sign up today.

Free SENAC technical courses: available options

Firstly, you should know that all courses offered by SENAC, even if they are free, are recognized by the MEC (Ministry of Education).

Furthermore, most of the technical courses, due to the current scenario we are experiencing, are available in the distance learning format.

In other words, you can attend classes directly from your home, where the only prerequisite is to have a computer or notebook with internet access.

Of course, as it is a technical training, in some cases it is necessary to take practical classes, but all the theoretical part is distance learning.


Therefore, for those of you who work and have a tiring day-to-day routine, it is possible to opt for the in-person modality, and thus not need to travel from home.

One thing we need to make clear is that the courses that are available can vary greatly from one state to another.

Because today SENAC is present in practically all of Brazil, with units in the states, which have their own availability.

So, before anything else, even when looking at the available options in general, it is very important to see if the one you are interested in is available in your state and city.

The technical course options, which are now available and spread throughout Brazil, are:

  • Administration
  • Workplace safety
  • Massage therapist
  • Computing
  • Logistics
  • Tourism
  • Hospitality
  • Marketing
  • Pedology
  • Nutrition
  • Oral Health
  • Quality
  • Nursing
  • Radiology
  • Human Resources
  • Aesthetics
  • Multimedia
  • Real Estate Transactions
  • Environment
  • Programming in Digital Games
  • Tourism Guide
  • Design
  • Foreign trade

Therefore, as you can see, there are several different areas, which will open up a range of possibilities.

What are the requirements to get a free technical course?

As there are a limited number of courses, most of the options offered, which are free, have some registration requirements.

Therefore, even though SENAC is an institution open to everyone, for paid courses, which are being made available free of charge, you may need to fit into some groups.

Therefore, one of the first requirements, to acquire some free course options, is to be proven to be low-income, with an income of a maximum of 3 minimum wages in the family.


Therefore, those who have an income greater than 3 minimum wages per family do not fit into the low-income group, which may not be exempt from the amount.

In addition, other basic requirements are also requested, such as: be over 18 years old, have a valid CPF, have Brazilian nationality, and some others.

But, it's worth remembering that in some states, you don't need to be declared low income to get free, as the 100% course itself is already free.

The ideal, even if you meet the requirements, is to consult the SENAC in your region and see the conditions.

How to sign up for SENAC free technical courses?

Given the large number of unemployment, which according to PNAD (National Household Sample Survey), already surpasses the 14.7 million people, where having a difference is something completely necessary.

Thus, having technical training, or even a complementary course, can result in great results emerging and new doors of opportunities opening.


And, SENAC can help you in this process.

So, if you want to take advantage of this opportunity and have great results, start by registering.

Currently there are 2 ways, which is via the internet or by going directly to a physical SENAC unit in your city.

Online, you must:

  1. Start by accessing the official SENAC website, selecting the region, state and city where you are located;
  2. Then, go to the Technical courses tab and see what options are available. It is likely that paid and free options will appear;
  3. Choose the course that catches your attention the most and is of interest to you;
  4. Register by filling out a form with your personal, address and other details;
  5. Finally, you will notice that the website itself will indicate the next steps.

However, if you prefer to go directly to a physical unit, have your personal documents at hand.

There you will find out which options are available and how you can register.

Final considerations

He became interested in SENAC free technical courses? Know that they can be excellent options to boost your resume.

Take the opportunity.

See you soon.
