What are the fastest technical courses to complete? [2022]


After all, what are the fastest technical courses to complete? Technical courses are highly sought after as they are short in duration and enrich the curriculum.

What is a Technical Course?

The technical course is aimed at training professionals to enter the job market. This way, it has a greater amount of practical content in the curriculum.

They can even be taken after high school or mixed with this stage, integrating practical subjects with high school subjects in a single course.

It normally lasts two to three years, depending on the area of activity.

technical course works as an intermediary between secondary education and higher education. And once you complete your studies, you will be ready to work as a technician in the sector you chose.

Upon completing the course, you are entitled to receive a diploma, valid throughout the national territory. You will have the title of technician in the chosen area, since the knowledge acquired is focused on characteristic aspects.


What are the fastest technical courses to complete?

Now that you know what a technical course is, let's talk about the fastest technical courses to complete. Follow the list:

1- Logistics Technician

Lasting a year and a half, the Logistics Technician monitors everything that involves transporting a company's goods and services.

The technician is the one who manages operational management and seeks the most efficient and economical way to increase the productivity of the company where he works.

This professional's salary varies depending on the region of the country and their experience, and can reach R$3,208.00, according to Glassdoor.

The Logistics Technician comes first on the list of technical courses that are quickest to complete.

2- Nursing Technician

The Nursing Technician is one of the essential health professionals in general. Your responsibility is to provide care to people who are bedridden, sick or in need.


In this way, the professional has the task of assisting and guaranteeing specialized attention to those who need their help.

In general, the technical nursing course lasts less than half of a nursing degree. So, you study for 2 years, divided into 4 semesters.

This professional's salary varies depending on the region of the country and their experience, and can reach R$3,000.00, according to Glassdoor.

The Nursing Technician is second on the list of technical courses that are quickest to complete.

3- Environmental Technician


The Environmental Technician provides the necessary training to be a professional responsible for collecting and systematizing data, information and technical documents to support the carrying out of socio-environmental studies.

In addition to these duties, the professional will be able to contribute to the process of drafting environmental policies, implementing and controlling environmental management programs and integrated management systems.

This professional's salary varies depending on the region of the country and their experience, and can reach R$2,709.00, according to Glassdoor.

The Environmental Technician is third on the list of quickest technical courses to complete.

4- Nutrition Technician

When opting for a Technical course in Nutrition, studies will last around 2 years, which means half of college. In this way, it is a fact that the materials will be reduced.

You will learn the practical part, so that you meet the main current needs of the job market as a professional.

This professional's salary varies depending on the region of the country and their experience, and can reach R$1,620.00, according to Glassdoor.

The Nutrition Technician is fourth on the list of fastest technical courses to complete.
